Artist Statement

My work arises from an intense desire to create. This impulse is one that I have learned with greater skill and trust to cultivate and manage over the years. When I was younger, I found it very difficult to contain my energy and channel it in a positive and constructive way.
I used to find the difficulties of life overwhelming at times, and yet it never occurred to me that life's hardships might be perfect opportunities to create. This is not to say that I seek out problems! I do, however, find that hardship brings with it its own peculiar opportunity to 'open up' the mind and senses to the deeper forces of creativity - as they open me up to the greater realities of life.
Flat Life® is a creative response to the challenge and experience of living alone.
Alice & Bertie® arose out of a deep love that I found within myself through the practice of meditation.
Salt Liv™ is a reflection of the rich tapestry of beauty to be found in simple coastal scenes.
Flat Life® is a creative response to the challenge and experience of living alone.
Alice & Bertie® arose out of a deep love that I found within myself through the practice of meditation.
Salt Liv™ is a reflection of the rich tapestry of beauty to be found in simple coastal scenes.
I believe that I have benefited a great deal over the years from having a regular spiritual practice. A practice that allows me to distinguish between the thoughts of my often-busy mind and the true reality around me. All of my work arises from a very simple practice of being still and listening, quietly, to my experience. From this, I eventually feel moved to create. My desire is to create work that is beautiful, moving and uplifting. Work that conveys something of the astonishing beauty to be found within ourselves as well as the world around us.